5 Reasons You’re Not Hitting Your Business Goals

There’s nothing more discouraging than continually missing the mark in business – especially when you’re full of ambition and cranking out quality work. But millions of business owners find themself in this position every single day. They’re struggling to get by and sacrificing the rest of their life in the process. They may even fear it’s too late to fix the issues plaguing them ... But it’s not. Every business just needs the right combination of elements, structure, and people to get on track.

Let’s break down a few of the most common reasons businesses struggle to meet their goals:

1. Lack of Vision

To be on track to meet your goals you have to get your entire organization on the same page. They need to be aligned with where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. 100% aligned! The Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) has a tool that makes it easier.  It’s called the Vision/Traction Organizer™ because it condenses your long and short term Vision, Strategy and Planning into just two pages.

2. People Issues

Did you know there have actually ever only two people issues in the history of business? Just two. You either have the “right person in the wrong seat,” or the “wrong person in the right seat.” Your goal should be to hire employees that not only share your core values but are also operating to their full Unique Ability®. When one side is out of balance, the fit will leave you both frustrated.

3.  Losing Control

The more you grow, the greater complexity you face. If you constantly feel like you’re at the mercy of your customers, vendors and competitors, your business is controlling you. EOS® can help you create accountability, regain productivity, and scale healthily.

4.  Bad processes and reporting

Organizations limp when their core systems are broken, but they’re not always the “systems” you’d assume! Even poorly planned meetings or unclear corporate structures can have a massive impact on employee productivity and your bottom line. Paying attention to your processes and systematizing makes all the difference. You simply cannot scale unless you’ve got everyone doing everything the right way, the best way…Every. Single. Time.

5.  Lack of mentorship

It’s impossible to objectively see your business when you’re engrossed in the day-to-day. That’s why it’s imperative to surround yourself with trusted, knowledgeable experts who have been where you are, and can help you develop the tools and strategies you need to be successful. 

Not sure where things are misfiring within your organization? Let’s chat. I’ll give you 90 minutes of my time to share with you a new way to see your business and show you what “done” looks like for my clients who’ve implemented the Entrepreneurial Operating System®.

I’ll help you master your management system and take control of your business.


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