Vision Season!

Every year around this time conference rooms (now Zoom calls) are filled with business leaders stepping back from the day-to-day and casting Vision/Strategy for the next three to five years. It’s the precursor to the annual budget season. As a finance professional, I’ve led or participated in this process literally dozens of times. 

By all accounts, our Vision work was very well done and resulted in a very polished PowerPoint deck. Unfortunately, that Vision was usually too wieldy to use as a management tool and pretty much ended up on the shelf within 30 days. So, you rarely looked around the organization and saw people actually executing on the Vision. 

So, what do we do to improve that?

1.    Simplify it

2.    Get it shared by all


I love the simplicity of the EOS tools. We capture our Vision on a form we call the Vision/Traction OrganizerTM. It’s simple, easy to understand, easy to communicate, easy to update and just two pages. How do we set our Vision? We simply answer eight questions, “What is/are your…”

1.    Core Values

2.    Core FocusTM

3.    10-Year TargetTM

4.    Marketing Strategy

5.    3-Year PictureTM

6.    1-Year Plan

7.    Rocks

8.    Issues

Everything you need for long-term and short-term Vision, Strategy and Planning all on two pages. Who you are, what you do, where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. Power in simplicity.


Getting everyone on the same page with where you’re going and how you’re going to get there is easier when you can represent everything in two pages vs. a 30-page PowerPoint presentation. We share everything with the entire company on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis both in group settings and one-on-one with manager/employee meetings. We get to the point where not only does everyone know the Vision, they actually share in it!

Don’t surrender the future of your business to the chaos of today!

Let’s increase clarity for the year ahead by simplifying your Vision and getting everyone 100% on the same page with where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. 



How to Get More Work Done in 2021


People People People (Issues)